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Jens Haugan



Lyrics / music: © Jens Haugan 23.09.2004 / 2005
Lyrics mp3
  Borgny (The Castle)

Play (4:05)


Your name sounded like "castle new".
To a foreigner it may sound strange,
but the name really fit you.

Unfortunately, I had only a year with you.
Then I moved away
because I got other things to do.

You were a castle!
One could come to you.
One would always be welcome
and get a hug from you.

I always wanted to come back and visit you.
I wanted to share memories
and hear about the news.

The years passed by. I had no money. I have no time.
You lived so far away
and memories were far behind.

You were a castle!
One could come to you.
One would always be welcome
and get a hug from you.

Now I hear that it's too late.
You became ill and this was your fate.

I never came back just to say "hi".
I never got the chance to say good-bye.

You were a castle!
One could come to you.
One would always be welcome
and get a hug from you.

Now, this song is made for you;
for the warm and kind woman "castle new".

You will never hear me saying "hi".
But through this song, I want to say good-bye.

You were a castle!
One could come to you.
One would always be welcome
and get a hug from you.

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endra/changed/geändert : 19. April 2005