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Jens Haugan



Lyrics / music: © Jens Haugan 20.09.2004 / 2005
Lyrics mp3

Play (5:19)


Brother, what has happened?
Why are you lying here?
How is this possible?
Why you? This is not fair!

Brother, let me help you!
Let me bring you home again.
Let me take good care of you!
I will do just anything!

I would give my life for you!
This isn't fair! They could have me!
But there's nothing I can do.
There is nothing I can see.

Brother, will you leave me now?
What will be when you're not here?
What shall I do when you're away?
Why do you smile? Why don't you fear?

Thank you, brother, for your smile!
When you left your smile stayed here.
Now I know that you're around.
I feel no pain; I feel no fear.

Thank you, brother, for your life!
When you were here you were so close.
Now I know you're still around.
I know you're dead, but you're not lost.

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endra/changed/geändert : 19. April 2005