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Jens Haugan



Lyrics / music: © Jens Haugan 23.09.2004 / 2005
Lyrics mp3
  The Long Journey

Play (3:44)

  In the old times, people came by boat;
first of all, because there were no roads.
From the inland, people walked or used the sledge.
They all wanted to reach the northern edge.

Nowadays, you normally use a car.
Thousands of people come there from very far;
from the south, from countries far away.
But none of them really wants to stay.

It's a long journey to reach the northern edge.
Either if you go by car or use a sledge.
But for some reason, people want to go.
There is something special about this land of ice and snow.

There's something special about being at the end of the world.
People know about it; everyone has heard.
They want to be there only for a day.
But none of them really wants to stay.

It's a long journey to reach the northern edge.
Either if you go by car or use a sledge.
But for some reason, people want to go.
There is something special about this land of ice and snow.

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Member 03894 of TONO - Norway's Performing Rights Society -
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endra/changed/geändert : 19. April 2005