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Jens Haugan



Lyrics / music: © Jens Haugan 13.09.2004 / 2005
Lyrics mp3
  The Vision Man

Play (3:24)

  In a vision, you told me
to go back north to search and see.
In the dark and in the cold,
I would find what I've been told.

Where you have been there is no pleasure.
You won't be rich; there is no treasure.
What you would find you could not measure
in gold and money; it's just an answer.

When you come there go to the sea,
sit down and wait and you'll see me.
It's in the mirror in front of you,
and you will not believe it's true.

What you'll see there will not be me.
Look closely down into the sea.
A part of you, yes, this is true,
is slowly coming back to you.

Meet yourself at the end of this way.
There is no reason to feel astray.
Return from the trip; go back to your home.
Then you'll no longer be alone.

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endra/changed/geändert : 19. April 2005